Man on the Street
This week’s question:
Do you like lima beans? Why or why not?
Name: Amanda Yuraitis
Major: Psychology/Communications
“I am indifferent. I know they’re healthy for me and I will eat them if they’re on my plate, but do I go for them on the shelf? No, I don’t. I like smashing them up and making hummus, but I completely understand why someone wouldn’t like them.”
Name: Trey Rice
Major: Civil Engineering
“Yeah. I know some people don’t really like lima beans, but I feel like people can make them in ways that you do like. My grandma makes a really good plate of salted lima beans. You just have to cook them well.”
Name: Allison Vencill
Major: Chemistry
“I do. I think they taste good. I like them when they’re mixed with other vegetables like green beans or peas. Everyone’s taste buds are different, but I think they taste sweeter than most vegetables.”
Name: Kolby Hagle
Major: Music Education
“They’re pretty all right. They don’t taste like garbage. They’re a good middle-man when you want something underwhelming to eat, but you don’t want it to be gross. There’s a “seven” soup that’s a good thing to have lima beans, they have a good amount of texture.”