Sam Fore Hall to be repurposed

Building no longer housing classes

In the Summer of 2024, Sam Fore Hall was shut down after the discovery of mold in the building, remediation then began for the building to be opened back up to students this past Fall semester. 

After it was discovered that the problem was not completely solved the building was then shut down again at the beginning of this semester. The issues with Sam Fore Hall haven’t affected the student body as much as one would think.

“It has created somewhat of a reshuffle of course assignments in terms of spaces. It wasn’t absolutely terrible in any way. We were able to relocate courses to different spaces and buildings. Only one course ended up having to be moved from face to face to online due to not having a space. That was also due to the number of enrollments going up which, is a positive thing,” Department of Language and Literature Chair Dr. Roberto Vela Córdova said.

As of right now, Sam Fore is only shut down for those that are a part of the student body, as faculty who have offices in Sam Fore are still working in the building awaiting further instruction from university officials on possible relocations.

“We are still waiting, you know. We can’t move to another office because they haven’t given us an office yet. So what I know is that most of the professors from the language and literature department, we are still here and all the offices are open but not the classrooms, so the classrooms are closed for the students,” Spanish Adjunct Lecturer Darleni Arriaga said.

Plans for Sam Fore are already in motion with campus officials look to repurpose the building that has held classes and office spaces for the Department of Language and Literature for many years.

“New campus administrative functions are currently under consideration for moving to this location. There are various administrative functions that are currently located in other campus buildings that are being considered, but Campus Operations has not yet determined which ones,” Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. James Palmer said.

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