No date? No Problem

Every shop, store and business is full of roses, heart-shaped balloons, cheesy cards and sweet candy. It’s hard to avoid the lovey-dovey atmosphere around Valentine’s Day.

But just because you haven’t met that special guy or gal, doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in your own way.

Here are some ideas to distract you and entertain you on a day supposedly full of love.

Make plans with friends and family, go to dinner, head to the local bar or club, catch a movie, anything to get you out of the house. And you’ll probably try and come up with excuses to bow out of the plans, but if you don’t go out you’ll probably end up home alone wallowing in loneliness, crying or eating way too much ice cream. Please, go out and have fun and avoid downing a whole pint of Blue Bell.

And if you’d rather stay in, why not host a singles-only dinner party? Invite all of your favorite single friends and toast to your freedom and independence.

Belt out all the classic love songs with your best buddies as you sing karaoke, dance with friends and have a good ole’ time.

Treat yourself to a haircut, blowout, beauty treatment or massage. You can also stay in and pamper yourself by taking a long bath, giving yourself a face mask or painting your nails.

But if you would rather escape then get out of town, plan a Valentine’s Day weekend getaway with a friend or family member.

Head into a different town, go shopping, go exploring and just roam around the vibrant new city.

You could also have a movie marathon. Maybe watch Harry Potter or the Star Wars trilogies. But there’s also horror, action or comedy specials on Netflix that seem binge-worthy.

If so, then order a pizza from your favorite place, top it off with some beer, wine or liquor of your choice and enjoy the movies that make you happy.

But maybe you’re tired from the day-to-day activities and your week was busy and full of events. If that’s the case, you should catch up on your sleep. So sleep-in on Valentine’s Day or take a nap in the middle of the day.

We’re tired and lazy sometimes, why not use the “celebration of love,” to snuggle with a pillow and a blanket and snooze.

Or maybe you’re looking for something nice to do. Maybe you have nieces or nephews? Why not offer to take care of them, so their parents can go out.

Be the cool aunt or uncle. Just order pizza or burgers, watch Coco, make brownie sundaes, get them hyped up on ice cream and brownies and then as soon as their parents arrive, hand them off because your job is done.

But maybe on days like this, you miss your family. So, why not head back home and hang out with your grandparents or parents if they don’t have Valentine’s Day plans.

If you live far away from home, skype or facetime and just talk with them for a good while. Your family loves you just the way you are, every day, not just on Valentine’s Day.

We hope these ideas are helpful to some of you. We hope that whatever you do on Valentine’s day, you try and love yourself. Do whatever makes you happy!

Cut yourself some slack and remember that you are lovable and worthy of love every single day.