Man on the Street

This Week’s Question:
“As a university with a predominantly Hispanic population, do you think we are doing enough for Hispanic Heritage month?” 

Name: Izak Benitez
Major: Criminal Justice
“Honestly, I don’t see a lot of advertisement about activities going on around campus, but I really only go [to] my dorm and classes.” 

Name: Victoria Perez
Major: Civil Engineering
“Yes, I do think they are doing enough because I haven’t seen any negativity towards Hispanics. They are doing their best to make us feel welcomed; it’s one of the reasons why I chose to come here.”

Name: Jon Fernandez
Major: Business 
“I really haven’t been on campus much, and I haven’t seen or heard of anything going on for this month.”

Name: Kim Safford
Major: Criminal Justice
“I have really only seen things in the Student Union Building, but I feel like advertisement should be widespread; not just in one place. A student should feel appreciated for their heritage everywhere they go, they shouldn’t just feel appreciated where an advertisement is located.”