Man on the Street
This Week’s Question:
Should the contents of the Mueller Report be made public?

Name: Destiny Allen
Major: Animal Science
“I believe that if it is publicized, people will go off with what they already believe anyway. It’s not really going to matter whether it’s publicized or not. The report was given to those who needed it to make an executive decision, any publicizing it will just lead to people not looking at it as fact and discounting its legitimacy based on their own beliefs.”

Name: Linda Williams
Major: Education
“I believe the public should be aware of what’s going on within their government, at least to an extent. Also, when it comes to the President, a lot of things are brushed under the rug. This whole situation he’s in is crazy, you’ve seen it in a lot of movie plots but now it’s reality. Even still, I think controversy should be brought to light.”

Name: Kyle Mahoney
Major: Finance
“Yes, it should. Nothing should be hidden from the American people. This is our government, these are our elected officials, and nothing should be held secret from us. I can’t tell you whether he did or didn’t do it, or where the corruption is happening, but we know something is going on and it’s shady.”

Name: John Paul Leal
Major: Mechanical Engineering
“Yes, I believe that. If it was investigated, there is clearly something there that needed to be investigated, and as the people we have a right to know. It shouldn’t be hidden from us. I don’t know much about the specifics of the investigation, but it all looks really shady.”