This Week’s Question: “What do you think of having Dandy’s in the SUB part-time and would you like to see more local eateries do the same?”

Name: Julianna Espinoza
Major: General Business
“I’ve tried Dandy’s and it’s a very good so having it part-time at the SUB is phenomenal. I think other local eateries should also be part time as well. 88 Eat Street is one of my favorite local restaurants and it would be cool seeing restaurants like that become a part of the rotation in the SUB.”

Name: Jessenia Valdez
Major: Accounting
“I haven’t tried Dandy’s but if it continues to be part-time in the SUB I would love to try it. Also having other local eateries at the SUB would be fantastic. I don’t have a car and I walk to further restaurants in order to get food so it would be great if there was more restaurants at the SUB.”

Name: Zach Davis
Major: Electrical Engineering
“I think it’s pretty interesting especially if you look at how many people go and eat at it too. It brings in a lot of business especially for the SUB and for Dandy’s too. It’s beneficial for both the SUB and the eateries that come in because they all make more as people want to go eat there because they get a taste of their food. Things get boring whenever we have the same thing in the SUB, and I hear a lot of people are actually wanting something else besides Chopsticks to be in there, so it’s a nice little change up for everybody too. It’s almost like a treat.”

Name: Haden Reyna
Major: General Business
“I think the support of local businesses by the university would be good because it promotes a sense of community with the town. Sometimes the town and the university itself can seem disconnected and that’d be a good way to combine them.”