As part of our on-going effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, Texas A&M-Kingsville will launch a free COVID-19 screening program beginning September 23, 2020 for individuals from select groups who are not experiencing any symptoms associated with COVID-19 but who frequently come in contact with others on campus. The screening will provide greater insight into the virus’s presence on campus and how, if needed, we might manage future transmission.Groups are selected based on their frequent direct contact with other groups. A minimum of 25 percent of students/employees from a designated group will be screened each week. The following groups will be sampled: Emergency Management Team Greek Life Javelina Marching Band Javelina Student Enrollment Center (JSEC) Library staffRec Center staff Residence Life ( residents and residential advisors) ROTC Student Health Wellness staff Student Success tutors University Police Department Others to be determined Groups will be notified one week prior to their scheduled screening.Supervisors from each group will ask for volunteers for the screening program. Volunteers will receive an email from Curative once registered for screening with additional details about the process.Both faculty teaching face-to-face courses and staff working on campus who are not experiencing symptoms or who have not been notified as a direct contact of a positive case will also be able to screen for COVID-19 each Thursday from 3-3:30 p.m. at the on-campus testing site located in the SHW parking lot. Interested faculty and staff must contact Renee Weiss via email to register no later than 5 p.m. the Tuesday before each Thursday test date. There will be 15 slots available on a first-come, first-serve basis.Those participating in screenings are not required to self-quarantine pending their test results. Individuals who test positive are required to follow University protocol, and employees should notify their supervisors, while students must inform the Dean of Students. Individuals testing positive must also self-report via the COVID-19 reporting portal.As a reminder, students, faculty, and staff experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who have been notified of direct exposure to the virus may register for free on-campus testing here. Campus COVID-19 case information is updated weekly and can be found here. |