Being a full-time college student and mom can take a toll on a person but feeling the joy of knowing that the work you’re putting in towards your education to better your life and your child’s life makes the stress and feeling of guilt go away, in most cases. A person might feel guilty being away from their child especially with the image that social media paints on mothers who have full time jobs or are in school. The internet paints this picture of what the “perfect mother” is supposed to look like and shame those that aren’t with their kids daily. In life there will be times where you have to make hard decisions that could make or break you. So does that make me a bad mother because I chose my education over time with my son? You’d be surprised how many times a day I ask myself this question. The answer is no. I think this makes me a great mom and to all the other college mothers or moms who work a lot I am here to tell you, you are enough. No one prepares you for motherhood and no one gives you a pamphlet on how to take care of a child but the saying “your intuition never lies” is very true. All the sacrifices and pain you endure after becoming a mom is never easy but one thing you should never do is doubt yourself as a mother. When you start to feel doubt think about all the great things you have accomplished thus far. Think about the bright future your son or daughter will have regardless of how you may feel or what you see on social media. My advice to myself and to all mothers reading this, we are enough. Keep waking up, keep striving towards your goals, and most importantly be happy that you’re here to see another day, the only ones who matter are our little ones.