Review: The sixth book in the Bond series

James Bond returns to Jamaica once again

Every summer I try to read a book series to keep my mind engaged because I tend to lose my “school brain,” so for instance last summer I read all The Lord of the Rings books.

This summer however, I decided to read Ian Flemming’s James Bond books but unfortunately the only books I had were the ones my grandma got my dad from the library she worked at in the ’80s.

So, I had to start off with a worn down ripped 66 cent book and in the middle of the series with James Bond: “From Russia with Love” which was very good and immediately had me hooked on the series.

But this review is about the book that directly follows From Russia with Love, “Dr. No”, which is Flemming’s sixth installment in the series.

Like every Bond book the story starts off with a problem and this problem begins in Jamaica where a British Intelligence officer is killed mysteriously.

Obviously, Bond has to come and save the day, right? Sort of because Bond’s boss thinks he’s going soft because of how the last book ended with Bond getting hurt.

So, Bond is sent on a “vacation” and I think this is what makes this one of my favorite books because of the scenery of Jamaica that is described because I can truly visualize and smell the smells of everything going on around him because of where I live. 

“From Russia with Love” never had a whole lot of mystery in it but throughout this book you had questions “Who is Dr. No?,” “What is this dragon Honey and Quarrel keep talking about?” and “What is this guy doing on that island?”

The ending was very exciting as well, From Russia with Love had a captivating ending, but “Dr. No” had me hanging on to each word and wanting to speed read each page.

Throughout this book there were no low points at which I was bored, and I will admit I do get bored reading, but if you wanted to pick up an exciting James Bond book to start that can be a stand-alone book this is your book.

Lastly, I will admit the movie for “From Russia With Love” is way better at following the book then “Dr. No”, but book wise “Dr. No” is more like Dr. Yes.