Music filled the upstairs ballroom in the Memorial Student Building, welcoming students to celebrate with the College of Arts and Sciences.
Circling the ballroom were the various departments in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Each table embraced students with information from their departments, including amusing activities to engage in conversation.
“Not many people are willing to talk to the department heads on their own, I think bringing them together makes it easier for people to go out and want to learn,” Dora Hernandez, freshman and T-shirt winner, said.
As the KTAI Radio Dj’d music and people ate food, raffle winners were announced.
Prizes included T-shirts, a Porky stuffed animal and baseball caps.
Professors sought the opportunity to connect with several of their students in a social scene rather than the typical classroom setting.
“We got to know the students and communicate with them. Whereas, in a classroom or teaching environment, we don’t get to interact with the students like we are doing now,” Professor Elsa Brown, math department, said. “If you get to know your teacher, or the department, you’ll feel more relaxed.”
This bash did not just bring in students from the College of Arts and Sciences, students from other areas joined in on the enlightening event. Each department was open to providing knowledge and welcoming all.
“Something that I didn’t know we had on this campus was speech therapy. It’s very intriguing and nice to know that it is free to students, I learned that from the speech therapy booth,” Maverick Ramirez, civil engineering student said.
The College of Arts and Sciences aims for continuous student attendance as these events are advantageous.
“We’re here to help students and to make sure they’re successful throughout their academic career. We have these events that are both social and academic.
You’re going to come and have fun, or come to a workshop and learn something new,” Dr. Cynthia Alvarado-Stinson, coordinator for student services for Arts and Sciences, said.