Man on the Street: Should people under the voting age have a voice in politics?

Man On The Street

This Week’s Question:

Should people under the voting age have a voice in politics?

Arlett Quintanilla

Name: Arlett Quintanilla

Major: Mechanical Engineer

“I don’t know to be honest. Because young people are really not interested, in my opinion, in politics. But, I don’t know, it depends on their background. If their parents are really politically involved, it can influence them [kids] to be interested. I tried when I was 16 to vote. I was in my senior year and trying to register, but my teacher said, ‘no you can’t,’ because he thought I was illegal. But that happens. That happened to me.”

Nathan Garcia

Name: Nathan Garcia

Major: Chemical Engineering

“That’s something that would need a few more follow up questions. Are they [young people] interested in politics? It depends on the person. If they wish to talk about politics, or if they want to be heard, they should [voice opinions]. At the very least, their opinions should at least be heard.”

Michael Martinez

Name: Michael Martinez

Major: Social Work

“I say yes because when you look at politics now, you have not necessarily old people. But you kind of have old people in office, and the policies that they want is benefiting them. It’s not necessarily what we want. We are the younger generation, it should be what we want because we’re going to be here longer than they are. So, I strongly feel that children under the voting age should have a voice. I mean, not necessarily that what they want is going to happen, but they should at least have a voice because we are the future. I feel that the old people in office and in power, their mindset is in the old days. I feel they are not susceptible to change, and I feel like us, as a younger generation are.”  

Maribel Gonzalez-Garcia

Name: Maribel Gonzalez-Garcia

Occupation: Chemistry Professor

I think so, yes. I think that they should start thinking what is best for the country and for the environment. That’s why I think they should start thinking about it through a means that we don’t have right now. In the future we might have means. Maybe through their friend or through their communities.