Man On The Street: What do you and your family do for Christmas?

Man On The Street

This Week’s Question:

What do you and your family do for Christmas?

Madison Goodwyn

Name: Madison Goodwyn

Major: Environmental Engineering

“We all meet up at my Grandma’s house and we make tamales. We also have a Santa come down and meet all the little kids. It’s a great time. We’ve had that Santa since even before I was born. I’m looking forward to seeing all my family that I don’t normally get to see.”

Susan Cortez

Name: Susan Cortez

Major: Communications

“I’m going to be making gingerbread houses and tamales with my family this Christmas. I’m hoping to get a brand-new journal for Christmas. It’s what I use to put scriptures in from going to Church. We also have a parade that we go to in my hometown.”

Gabino Amaya

Name: Gabino Amaya

Major: Mass Communications

“Christmas Eve for sure we’re gonna make tamales. We make tamales and I get to spend time with my little cousins and the rest of my family. I really hope to get to see my aunt and uncle. I never get to see them so to see them this Christmas is what I really want.”

Payton Howell

Name: Payton Howell

Major: Communications

“I am going to Austin to see the rest of my family. Christmas Eve we always go to my grandma’s house and eat tamales and chili. I’m really excited to see my grandma since I don’t get to see her that much. I’m really hoping to get some more PC parts. I’m trying really hard to build a PC.”