Humanity At An Impasse

We are not an advanced society. Our beliefs, our interactions and especially our politics are archaic.
For too long humans have coasted on the idea that our personal beliefs matter: that just because we have something to say, people should listen.
No more.
At some point we have to acknowledge that some beliefs are just plain idiotic, and it has become painfully clear that we are not ready to do so.
Just last week, we had the president of the United States, a position which many would argue is the leader of the free world, publically engage in a phallic measuring contest during the government shutdown with the speaker of the house of representatives through regular and social media.
That’s right, Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi, respectively, played “chicken” while government employees were on the verge of not receiving their second consecutive paycheck.
People’s lives are at stake, and our elected representatives refuse to move past their differences to rectify it.
Tell me again how we are better than we were.
According to, the average salary for women is approximately 22 percent lower than the average salary for men in 2018.
In a 2005 recording of current President Trump, he repeatedly made vulgar comments about women.
“I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
In the same recording, Trump said he could grab a woman by a certain word that cannot be printed in this publication.
I could argue the merits of how those words should instantly disqualify anyone from office, but obviously it did not. His voters either ignored it, or actively promoted such language.
Tell me again how we are better than we were.
People look to the stars as if a collection of balls of gas somehow factor into what kind of day you will have. I guarantee that stars do not care about Earth, much less any one person living on it.
Celestial bodies are a collection of elements. Any real scientist will corroborate it. You know what else is made of elements… you. The top four active elements in the universe are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. What are the top four elements in the human body you ask: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen.
Instead of assuming that these stars and constellations have an effect on what kind of personality a person may have, draw inspiration from the fact that you are literally one with the universe.
While you live inside the universe, it also lives in you.
Humanity is riddled with a plague of ignorance, but the ones who seek to better themselves and their society in spite of our inherited flaws are why we should have hope.
We are not an advanced society… yet.