Archery Tag Tournament

Texas A&M Kingsville student recreational center is looking to change things up with the intramural sports program this spring semester. If you have not noticed the schedule for the events being presented this semester it is a new sport called Archery Tag. The new game is a four versus four that is played on a basketball court. It is essentially dodgeball with very similar rules but players are able to roam around the court to hit the opposing player using a bow and arrow. Course players will be kept safe as they will be required to wear helmets. Of course it brings to question about why this particular sport archery tag?

When asked about the reason for this particular sport Carlos Diaz stated “NIRSA has been pushing archery tag at every conference, it’s one of the new sports that is liked by a lot of people, so we finally gave it a shot.” Diaz is the assistant director of competitive sports and believes that the sport will be very popular with the student population. The staff has actually presented it at their “Rec Fest” at the beginning of the semester. Jose Uribe an official and employee at the rec center stated that “People seemed to have liked it and I’ve had people come up to me and ask when is the next event.” Daniel Zuniga a business major said “that definitely sounds like fun and I would think it will peak the interest of students.”

As for the future of this sport event Diaz stated “I would definitely like to see this grow to an actual season.” Unfortunately this will be a one day event only, but if enough people attend it can grow to be a regular sport with the intramurals. Currently there are no specific men, women’s or co ed team available but individuals are able to sign up the day of the event at the student recreation center.