Spring 2019 All-Major Career Fair held at TAMUK

Texas A&M University-Kingsville is dedicated to helping students accomplish their goals and provide them with the best opportunities possible.  

On Thursday, Jan. 31, the student union ballrooms echoed with opportunities. 

Several well-known companies such as Exxon, Citgo, IBC Bank, among other major businesses, participated in the annual All-Major Career Fair.

The event, hosted by Career Services, invites all undergraduate and graduate students to seek opportunities and meet possible employers. 

With more than 60 companies attending the event, the career fair offered an opportunity to all majors. 

Corporations and companies are willing to provide both internships and full-time job opportunities to individuals who show the most potential. 

Some businesses hosted next day interviews, providing distinct job opportunities. 

“This is a really good opportunity; there’s a lot of different companies here that can help you gain exposure. Maybe you don’t get an interview today, but perhaps tomorrow they might give you the opportunity. Career Services helped me prepare and get my information organized for this event,” said Sameera Vutukuru, Computer Science major.

Career Services’ goal is to empower students to achieve personal growth and develop lifelong career success habits, while simultaneously being able to support Javelina alumni employers. Alumni working for Exxon and AWC Inc. were able to make an appearance at TAMUK’s  career fair.

“We try to place graduating students in the oil field service industry. Over the years we have had good luck hiring TAMUK graduates. Interacting and meeting students is always interesting…” said Scot Rhoden, FESCO Petroleum Engineer Corporate Recruiter.

 Polishing your resume and cover letter, improving your interviewing skills, and making memorable impressions are all skills students can acquire at Career Services, located in Eckhardt Hall. 

“I prepared by waking up early and kind of dressing to impress. I talked to Career Services, printed out like 12 copies of my resume and looked up the companies that would be here. I hope to gain a lot of experience and get information for internships,” said Jennifer Garcia, General Business major