TAMUK Fitness

Texas A&M Kingsville student recreational center for the new semester has introduced a new workout class – Power Hour.
The new class is being taught by Nico Recio. The Power Hour class incorporates powerlifting and breaks it down to teach the fundamentals of three main lifts – squat, bench press and deadlift – along with accessory lifts that help increase strength to lift heavier weights.
Ashlea Rosenbaum, an employee of the rec, said interest is increasing for the class.
“This is the first semester we are teaching it,” Rosenbaum said. “We’ve had a really big spark in the interest and so essentially this is something we’re like ‘okay cool we’re going to try this out.’ Now that the facility is modified and allows for a lot more space and ability to have several people deadlifting on the floor instead of just one platform, it is now optimal to have more classes.”
Rosenbaum is the graduate assistant of fitness and wellness, and runs all the different exercise programs that are held at the student recreation center. A recent renovation is allowing for more flexibility.
Last spring, the student rec center underwent renovations to add new machines and a new look.
Recio wanted to start the new program.
“I wanted to do something with it that was more up my alley then just personal training people for whatever goals they may have that I might not have had the best expertise in,” he explained. “My expertise has always been in powerlifting, always has been, so I wanted to do something that was only going to attract people who were interested in what I could do, get them from point A to point B the fastest so I wanted to draw a crowd of people that I could help the most.”
Recio is not just a personal trainer at the student recreation center but also is part of the national powerlifting team at TAMUK.
While the class may seem intimidating Rosenbaum stated, “We definitely modify for all sorts of athletes,” and as well beginners.
“I guarantee I can make anyone stronger if they do my entire class,” Recio said.
Students are excited about the class.
“I think that’s great, it sure sounds like a lot of fun and especially getting input from someone who is experienced in the sport,” Ashley Alonso, an EC-12 major, said.
This class is free and available from 12 to 1 p.m., Monday through Friday at the student rec center weight room.