Students- Prepare to lip sync battle

Grab your friends, break out your closet rock star and join the fun with a Karaoke Night to de-stress this semester. The Center for Student Success is hosting a night filled with unforgettable memories, special surprises and friendly competitions for Javelinas at 6 p.m., March 7 in the Student Union Building Ballroom.

“They can expect to have fun, listen to some singing whether it’s good singing or terrible, and to just relax. We will also be hosting a lip-sync battle (with prizes), so if students are too shy to sing on their own, they can just lip-sync it!  And, there will, of course, also be free food. Dinner! Just another reason to stop by….We wanted to give students something they can simply attend just to have fun or have something to do one evening, no academic strings attached. Karaoke is something that people either enjoy doing or enjoy watching, so we wanted students to be able to have a good time and possibly even meet some new people,” said Laura Gonzalez,  UNIV instructor.

Karaoke Night is simply meant to be a night of fun, during which students can relax and enjoy a time gathered with friends. To participate in this event, students can simply show up that night but if anyone is ready to put a group together, they can sign up in the Library in office 210.

The Center for Student Success works diligently to provide students with the best possible first year of college experience. For most students, the transition from high school to TAMUK is a rough transition. However, the CfSS staff/faculty understand that hard work should be rewarded and have managed to provide several incentives as well as workshops throughout the semester to help students thrive.

“We have events/ workshops pertaining to information, such as study abroad and internships coming up soon,” said Diana Bustamante, UNIV instructor.

 The CfSS department is dedicated to helping students thrive and reach new peaks of success. They are organizing several workshops and events to enable students to make new friends and gain information. Workshops will teach students how to use technology as an advantage and provide information on studying abroad, internships and more. Karaoke Night is definitely an event to mark on your calendars, as it promises to be a night filled with fun.

“I’m super excited about Karaoke Night. I look forward to being able to sound terrible while also getting a good laugh out of it,”said Eryssa Quintanilla,  Mechanical Engineer major.

You can follow the CfSS on Instagram and Twitter @TAMUK_CFSS to keep updated on any upcoming events and workshops.