Meet the Mentor

John Ruiz, is a peer-mentor at the Center for Student Success. Ruiz is a sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering and is from Cuero, Texas. Here is more about him.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies consist of building construction type projects, driving tractors and welding. I like to see how things work and the mechanics behind it.

What do you look forward as a student mentor?

 I look forward to seeing younger students become more involved with TAMUK. As a mentor I encourage everyone to go join a club and just be active on campus. Networking is extremely important.

If you could pick an actor to play you in a movie who would it be? Why?

If I could be an actor it would be Tom Hanks, just because of his realistic portrayals 

What are your goals?

My goals are to graduate with a degree in mechanical engineering, getting a job either working process engineering or maintenance reliability for a petrochemical plant. That’s what I would really like to do in the long-run.

What is the best part of being a TAMUK student?

 The best part about TAMUK is the small class sizes and the ability to meet your professors for help. There’s a lot of helpful resources here and a lot willing to help you succeed.