Meet the Mentors

Lizzetty Lara, is a peer mentor at the Center for Student Success. Lara is a sophomore studying Biomedical Science and is from Brownsville, Texas. Here is more about her.

What are your hobbies?

I have a few hobbies. I really enjoy gardening (weird plants only, like Venus fly traps, succulents and air plants), reading, and recently I started cooking.

What do you look forward to as a student mentor?

As a student mentor I’m looking forward to meeting the new students and building solid professional relationships with them. I really just want to help them network, navigate and feel confident around the university.

What are your goals?

My academic goals are to stay on the President’s List and graduatwe with my bachelor’s in Biomedical Science by 2022. My career goals are to eventually own my own medical practice.

If you could pick an actor to play you in a movie who would it be ? Why?

If I could pick an actress to play me in a movie I think Aubrey Plaza would be an interesting choice because she’s really funny and weird and just really out there.

What is the best part of being a TAMUK student?

I think the best part about being a TAMUK student is that the university is small enough that I can be a part of just about everything on campus.