Man on the Street

This Week’s Question:
What are your thoughts on the upcoming ban of vapes and e-cigarettes on campus? 

Name: Brianna Brietzke
Major: Pre-Pharmacy
“Honestly, I am quite happy about it. Having asthma and everything, it really helps out a lot!”

Name: Jesus Castillon
Major: Music
“Hopefully the sub will stop smelling so bad from everyone vaping all the time in it.”

Name: Vyctoria Rodriguez
Major: Vet Tech
“I am for the ban of vapes and e-cigarettes on campus because we should take care of our body. We are also in the process of preparing for our future and with stress and being busy with school we should want our body in the best form as possible. But in a way I can see how the ban will not work because there are many other areas that it is allowed, so people can just go there and continue to vape or use the e-cigarette.

Name: Sergio Perez
Major: Music
“I personally do not use vapes or e-cigarettes, but I feel the A&M University System shouldn’t ban them. Everyone has a personal reason on why they use them and I’m sure users are aware that there has been death and injury victims. On the other hand, I do understand the concern A&M has for its students. In all honesty, even though they are completely banned, students will still continue to use these outside of campus. I hope students follow what A&M has ruled to avoid any disciplinary consequences.”