Graduate and Professional Fair

The Graduate and Professional School Fair will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, at the Memorial Student Union Building Ballrooms.

Students will be given the opportunity to meet with multiple schools during the fair, with free pizza and popcorn being provided at the event.

This event is held for “students or alums interested in pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree or attending a professional school including: Dental, Law, Medical, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Chiropractic, Veterinary, etc.,” Associate Director of Career Services Lori Urbanovsky said.

“Students will have the opportunity to explore and discuss graduate (master’s and doctoral) programs from several schools, including our own programs at Texas A&M University-Kingsville,” Director of Career Services Cassandra Wheeler said. “Graduate admission representatives will be there to answer questions about admission exams, GPA requirements, prerequisites, internships, and employment after graduation.”

There are no dress requirements for students, business attire is not required. 

“There will be no interviews scheduled at this event,” Wheeler said, “just information for you to review. You can dress casually and come visit between classes.

“Before you attend, go into Handshake to see the list of attendees and click on their website to read the description of their programs that interest you,” Wheeler suggested.

She also recommends getting business cards from recruiters to ask any additional follow up questions or schedule a visit to their campus if needed.

“Besides Texas A&M University-Kingsville, there are currently 41 schools registered representing law school, dental school, pharmacy, medical school, seminary, chiropractic, engineering, allied health and more,” Wheeler said. 

A list of all schools can be found on Handshake.

“It is highly recommended that you get there early since the free pizza, popcorn and drinks provided for students will be provided on a first come, first serve basis,” Wheeler said.

Career Services provides this program once during every school year.