Greek week filled with fun, friendship

Greek pride shined bright during the week of Nov. 4 to 8. Greek Week is a time to celebrate Greek Life and highlight the talents of fraternities and sororities at the university. 

Students gained a platform to be expressive and meet different members in Greek Life.

Throughout the week students participated in a series of events ranging from sporting events to philanthropic fundraisers. 

During Greek Week, unity is promoted between sororities and fraternities. A sorority will team up with a fraternity to compete in different events.

Sand Volleyball, trivia night and art competitions are some of the events in which Greek Life showcases competitive character.

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TAMUK Sigma Lambda Betas after they won first place in sand volleyball.

“Greek Week allows fraternity and sorority members to gain new relationships that may have not have happened through the semester. It brings together current and newly initiated members, which allows them to celebrate our values and promotes a fun environment at the same time.  It highlights the different talents and dedication our members have to our campus and the Kingsville community,” Fraternity and Sorority Life Coordinator Jessica Montenegro said.

Greek Week offers students an opportunity to de-stress after a long semester and create relationships amongst other Greek members. Although the values and goals of fraternities and sororities may differ from one another they are all united by the need to help others in the community.

Penny Wars is an important event hosted during Greek Week to help raise funds for an organization’s philanthropy.

Money accumulated during Penny Wars will go towards the Greek organization that has the most points. Points are awarded throughout the week to Greek Life members who prove to be the most creative and skillful.

“My favorite part is participating in the activities that were planned for us with the different fraternities. Each day we participate in a different activity and each day has a different theme to dress up. Dressing up is another way sororities and fraternities can earn point. Greek Week is a little competition we do to get to know other Greeks better,” Arianna Cantu, animal science major said.

While it’s full of competitions, sororities and fraternities strengthen positive relationships while enjoying a week of fun.

“My favorite part of Greek Week is the friendly competitions we get to have with each to help build Greek unity which is the whole reason to celebrate Greek week,” Maddison Lakers communications major said.

Greek Week emphasizes the camaraderie amongst Greek life and the will to work towards a certain goal to help the community. 

“This semester we had a new event, which was an art challenge where each group was given a different part of a whole picture to recreate. Seeing everyone draw and paint was great, and seeing all the drawings come together as one was even better! That was probably my favorite event. Greek Week brings cohesion to Greek Life,” Samantha Hernandez, kinesiology major said.