Adulting 101: How to make scrambled eggs

You’re stretching at the crack of dawn and you realize you’re hungry. You look through all of the cabinets for a granola bar and then through the refrigerator for a meal replacement shake. 

Nothing, you find absolutely nothing, and the clock is ticking until you must rush out the door. Suddenly you notice an egg, but you quickly resolve not to try and cook it because you don’t know how to… make an egg. If you don’t want to be that person, here’s how to make scrambled eggs. 

First, find a small to medium pan and get out some vegetable oil or butter. 

Get the oil and start to pour it into the pan, then turn on the stove to medium heat. You might be asking yourself, “How much oil do I pour?” 

Cooking an egg only requires a small amount of oil or butter, so do not fall into the trap of overpouring the oil as sweat from the uncertainty of how much to pour starts to stream down your face. 

However, if you do find yourself figuring out you’ve poured too much oil, you can easily just pour some out into a container, but definitely not down the sink. 

Now that your oil is ready, the time has finally come to crack the egg. In this moment all you may be able to hear in the back of your head is your mother’s voice telling you, “Make sure the eggshell doesn’t fall into the pan!” Follow these instructions as you carefully watch to make sure none of the shell falls into the pan. If you do this correctly, you will feel how proud your mother would be for you not accidentally cooking the shell. 

Once you notice the egg is getting heated you must start to mix the egg in the pan to scramble it. 

It’s now a race against time to keep stirring the egg before it sticks to the pan. Don’t forget to add salt and pepper for more flavor, maybe even have some hot sauce ready. After a few minutes of mixing, your egg should be done.

Finally, you can take the egg out of the pan and place it on a plate so make sure to have a fork or spoon and plate ready by the stove. The second the egg touches the plate; you must remember to turn off the stove. 

Knowing how to make an egg is important considering it provides many nutrients and is inexpensive to make. No matter how difficult you may find cooking an egg to be, remember that practice makes perfect and breakfast is the most important meal of the day.