Tribulations of a turkey baby

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I don’t only think about turkey I also think about birthday cake. I’m truly a turkey baby and was born on Thanksgiving Day. 

When I have to give people a fun fact about myself, I usually say that I was born on Thanksgiving Day. Every year varies, sometimes it’s the day before Thanksgiving, and sometimes it’s the day after. Whether it’s before or after, I only think about birthday cake and how picking a cake is more important than eating turkey. Every year I find my birthday to be Thanksgiving related, whether it be on the cake or the decorations on my dinner table. Each year my cake usually has a turkey on it, and my presents are wrapped in autumn colored wrapping paper. I genuinely love to celebrate my birthday as much as I do Thanksgiving, but sometimes celebrating the two together gets frustrating. 

Although my birthday might not be on Thanksgiving Day every year, it’s still celebrated on Thanksgiving since all of my family gets together on that one day. 

All of my friends spend time with their families or leave out of town. If I plan a get together with my friends, it has to be a whole week before or after Thanksgiving. Having a holiday birthday also means that I usually have to spend it at home.

Stores close early the day before Thanksgiving and the day after is Black Friday, which makes stores extremely hectic. The worst part of it all is having my birthday so close to Christmas. I’m usually given “early Christmas presents” on my birthday or “late birthday presents” on Christmas. Therefore, I don’t just share my birthday with Thanksgiving, but with Christmas, too. 

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve actually learned to appreciate how close my birthday is to a holiday, and how I’m surrounded by my family. I’m thankful to have been born on Thanksgiving Day. Over the years I’ve learned to embrace that I have a unique birthday. My family always tells me that I get double presents on my birthday, which are gifts and turkey to eat. I laugh but it’s true, not many people get gifts and a whole Thanksgiving dinner on their birthday.