Explore your inner child with Who’s Afraid…

Catch a front row seat to see how Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks break into the home of The Three Little Pigs. 

The cast of Who’s Afraid of Little Red Riding Hood? invites everyone to find their inner child and enjoy a mash-up of fairytales at 3 p.m., Feb. 2 and 7:30 p.m., Feb 3 and 4 in Jones Auditorium. 

The comical children’s play is an original work of Associate Professor Dr. Patrick Faherty. 

Cast members enjoy the challenge of original works because it allows them to be as creative and spontaneous with their characters.

“Bringing someone else’s story to life is always a challenge but even more so when that person’s vision is a professor you look up to. It’s also a challenge keeping up the fast-paced energy to keep the children entertained…it’s a fun play and it makes you feel like a child again. It’s funny and ridiculous,” Director of Who’s Afraid of Little Red Riding Hood? Devyn Hamblin said.

 The annual children’s play invites the community to come see  the opportunities and creativity the  TAMUK’s Theater program has to offer.

 “It’s my bigger role here at TAMUK and I love having the opportunity of being on stage and really getting to play around with my character. It’s a very exaggerated show and we all get to be as big and crazy as we want to be,” Caroline Dietz, who is portraying Goldilocks, said.

Although the play is intended to be charming it also sends out an important message to its audience. 

The play encourages the audience to take the time to understand situations before jumping to conclusions and to not let their emotions get the best of them.

“I just love everything about performing – making the children laugh and telling a story. Even though it’s not real it encourages the idea of using your imagination and not take things so seriously all the time,” Lue Gonzales, who plays Abuela, said.

Who’s Afraid of Little Red Riding Hood? presents many challenges, but the cast is more than ready to put on a show and hear the laughter bounce off the walls of Jones Auditorium.