Adulting 101: How to actually self care

Okay guys, although it is only the beginning of the semester; there may be some out there who are already stressing out about classes and exams.

While stressing and freaking out about grades is a normal college student habit, there are times that we may have to remind ourselves that self-care is important. 

Although we may already do simple self-care tasks such as eating and keeping up with personal hygiene; it doesn’t necessarily mean we are fully taking care of ourselves the way we should.

As college students, it is easy to get caught up in the world of classes, work and family which makes it difficult to remember that not only is our physical health important but our mental and social health are as well. 

One basic task that could be done is starting the habit of getting at least six-to-eight hours of sleep each night.

 Although it may be hard with studying for exams, working long hours each day, or even making sure everything at home with the family is done; a good amount of sleep is important as it helps us function properly.

Now although junk food and caffeine are part of what keep college students’ spirits alive, another self-care tip is proper nutrition and a careful intake of caffeine and sugar as our bodies need natural nutrients and vitamins to thrive. 

A big way we can take care of ourselves is simply taking part in exercise and engaging in physical activity 30 minutes a day for at least three-to-five days a week as it helps decrease stress levels. 

Another way to decrease stress levels in physical activity could be just simply taking a stroll around campus, stretching, deep breathing exercises or meditating as it not only destresses you, but helps build self-awareness. 

Now, although physical health is important it is also necessary for many to stay healthy socially as being around friends and socializing keeps us mentally healthy as well. Once in a while, it’s nice to catch up with roommates or friends and go out for lunch, attend a study group session, or even join a student organization in order to make friends.

Always remember although grades, family and work are important aspects of our lives it is always important to take care of ourselves first. 

So, take breaks in between studying and feeding the kiddos, drink plenty of water, walk with friends, and remember your self-care is important, too.