Javelinas transitioning to online

In light of the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, TAMUK along with many other universities around the nation, have made the transition to online learning.

Over the past week, professors and administrators have been hard at work to ensure TAMUK students have all of the resources and information they need to succeed.

“The critical steps we are taking to ensure that our education meets TAMUK’s standards of excellence, is first and foremost, communication with students and faculty, and between students and faculty,” said Dr. Roberto Vela, department chair of Language and Literature. “Faculty are submitting detailed descriptions of the changes they are making in their courses as we facilitate students with a transition that guarantees that the core objectives of the courses are met.”

The transition for some professors has been easy and for others not so easy – whether because their class is very hands-on or that the digital realm of learning is new to them.

“He (Dr.Vela) has been helping all us old dogs learn the new tricks we need to help our students succeed,” French Professor Dr. Jacqueline Thomas said. “It has been very stressful for me and quite overwhelming. Luckily he has quite a bit of experience with online learning and is definitely more up-to-date on technology than many of us.” 

Others agreed.

“I prefer face-to-face because there is a certain amount of energy that is generated in a ‘real’ classroom environment that cannot be replicated virtually, even if they can see me. Interaction is okay via the different tools in Blackboard but it’s just not the same,” professor Dr. Manuel Flores said. “Most of my lessons are already on Powerpoint and on Blackboard. I just had to make minor changes in instruction of what to do…The amount of work will be the same or similar. Like in the real-world classroom, students just have to do their work and produce.”

TAMUK is continuing to take every step possible to ensure the success and safety of students, faculty and staff.