Staying connected safely

During times like these we rely on the things that bring us joy. That includes friends and family. Unfortunately, because of social distancing we do not have the luxury of going out to socialize with them. Maintaining friendships and other relationships can be tough from afar but these four tips will help you keep in communication with all the important people in your life.

  1. Check up on each other. Right now there is a lot of anxiety going on due to COVID-19. Whether people are stressed because they are extremely fearful of contracting the disease or being cooped up indoors for a long period of time is a bit too much for them, calling, texting or video chatting with a family member or friend just to talk and see how they are holding up is essential to getting through this tough time. 
  2. Send positive information or content instead of negative news. There is an unhealthy trend going around, many people sharing social media posts that contain a lot of false information that is causing more panic. Instead of paying attention to and sending posts of that nature send funny or inspiring ones. It will not just lighten up your day but theirs as well. Everyone could use a good laugh or smile right now.
  3. Virtual hangouts. Even though you can’t leave your house there are still plenty of ways to hangout. You can video chat with apps like Zoom or FaceTime, play multiplayer games on game consoles or your phones. You can also watch a movie all together using Netflix Party which allows you and friends to sink up movies so you can watch them together from a distance.
  4. Make sure you let each other know you are there for each other and how much you care. Support from friends and family is much needed during tough times. It’s an especially good idea to talk to your friends and family that you know are having a hard time dealing with all this chaos. When you talk to them make sure you express that you’ve got their back and try and keep the conversation positive. Sometimes just a phone call to let them know you are there means more than you could possibly imagine.

Our essential and only way of socializing for the time being may be frustrating since we aren’t used to being physically cut off from the outside world but hopefully these tips help you stay connected to those you care about while we weather this storm together.