TAMUK community in mourning

The TAMUK community is mourning the loss of two of its members, former assistant librarian Milton Clasen and Biology professor Dr. Carl Wood.

Clasen, 79, was a former assistant librarian at Jernigan library. He retired in 2010, but couldn’t stay away from Javelina Nation for long. Clasen immediately took the role of visiting assistant professor and continued to be involved on campus until his passing.  He began working for the university as an assistant cataloger in July 1969, bringing his years of service to more than 50 years.

 A memorial has been scheduled for 6 p.m. Friday, July 10, at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Corpus Christi. 

Dr. Wood was instrumental in the College or Arts and Sciences. He served as the assistant dean of under Dean Dr. Marry Mattingly until he retired in 2001.

 A service was held Monday, June 29, on the lawn of the Leakey United Methodist Church, 419 Market St. in Leakey.

Both of these individuals have influenced and touched the lives of many students, faculty and staff.