TAMUK Golf and Cross Country prepare for COVID seasons

Preparation has officially begun this fall as several athletes are anxiously awaiting to compete in golf tournaments and cross country meets. 

Both men’s and women’s cross-country teams will remain in season. After a recent decision made by the Lone Star Conference, the golf and cross-country programs were given permission to continue with fall competition. 

Larissa Sanchez-Gonzalez, a cross country standout, feels eager yet nervous to compete in her senior season. 

“I can only wish that life would return back to normal,” Sanchez-Gonzalez said. “I miss being able to practice with my teammates and not having to worry about social distancing. Although cross country meets and practices do take place outdoors, I do not feel comfortable with the decision of continuing the season.” 

“There is still a risk that many of us, myself included, may come in contact with the virus. I understand the desire to compete, I am a senior after all. It is just not safe,” she continued.

Monica Yanez, a former TAMUK cross country athlete, speaks openly about the new role she will fulfill this season as an undergraduate assistant. 

“I am very excited to start this season as a student assistant especially because we have a young group coming in and I plan on using my position to guide the newcomers,” Yanez said. “It is not always easy to adapt to this type of lifestyle, much less in the middle of a pandemic.” 

All TAMUK athletes were tested for COVID-19 within the past couple of weeks. Results will need to be provided before any athlete may begin practicing or competing.

Katie Habib, a returning golf athlete, feels confident little to no interaction will happen in her neck of the woods.

“Golf is a low contact sport,” Habib said. “This will be an interesting season. We will see how it all plays out.” Both cross country and golf teams have yet to begin practicing. For the sake of all student-athletes and coaches, Javelina Athletics will decide when all activities may resume.