America deserves better

With the election com- ing up, televised debates are going to be inescap- able as we inch closer to election day, and things are going to get really
messy, really fast. The first televised debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is going to be chaos.

For the last 10 years, Presidential debates have become more of a

show to see who is going take the best jab at the other rather than it being a time to hear what ex- actly they plan to do for us as President.

The reason that this is so damaging for the American people is that we don’t get all of the information that we de- serve to know, and un- less we take the time to do our own research to make sure we are truly voting for the person we think is best fit for the job, we base our vote on the minimum informa- tion that we are given.

Everyone should be doing their own research anyways.

Being that there is an ocean of information out there on the internet from so many different sources (not all credit- able), this task is an even bigger challenge.

Now with foundations like A Starting Point, knowing who and what your representatives stand for has become im- mensely easier but that should not excuse the behavior of our leaders. The dramatics of poli- tics should really stop because at the end of the day I don’t care whatpersonal issues they have with each other; I just want to know who is going to do the most for this country.

The American people deserve better.The future of this country is not a joke, and it isn’t something that should be taken lightly.

This election I hope to hear speeches about their game plan for the country, and not have important information lost in 90 minutes of put- ting each other on blast and insulting each other like a pair of immature teenage boys.