Notorious RBG

Her soft voice did not match the strength and fight she had within. Be it at the polls, or in the office, Ruth Bader Ginsburg leaves a trailblaz- ing legacy for gender equality.

America has lost a giant in the law. Advocat- ing for women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and civil rights became her lifetime work.

RBG used her power and position to pave a path of equality for women. She gave modern women a way of independence. She eliminated the need for dependence of a man in a woman’s life. It is because of her that women in America can have things like their own mortgage, credit card and bank accounts. She used her power to eliminate gender-based stereotyping in legisla- tion and regulations.

RBG was ahead of her time, as she was only the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court and a pioneer for gender equality. She fought for men and women equally throughout her distinguished career.

The equality and legislation she fought for will continue to empower many for generations to come. America has lost a fighter and for that we grieve and hope that those who come after her will fight with the same power and intention as she had for our country.

As our country mourns the loss of one of the greatest defenders of the law and constitution, we worry about the future of America.

RBG’s brilliance and essence in the court will not be easy to replace. However, the day after her passing, President Trump stated he will nominate a woman to the seat and Senate Ma- jority Leader Mitch McConnell has followed along.

If Trump does succeed in filling Ginsburg’s place prior to the election, it will be a hypocriti- cal move that will taint the Senate, considering the same Senate refused to hear President Bar- rack Obama’s nominee in 2016.

Just as presidents before have waited to re- place an individual on the Supreme Court in the wake of an election there is no difference now. RBG’s death should not be used to gain power against one party and monopolize the court. If we are truly a society of democracy, her replacement should wait until a new presi- dent is elected into office. Whomever that pres- ident may be.

“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new President is installed.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg