How to adult: studying for midterms

As the time for midterms arrives, studying and test taking in the new online format may be challenging. Online learning poses some difficulty in information retention so in the days leading up to your midterm make sure you are paying close attention to anything your professor may mention about your midterm. Everyone in college has studied for a test and knows their methods of studying, but now that you spend most of your day in front of a computer getting distracted probably comes more easily. 

Online tests can be and in most cases are monitored, either in lock down browsers where your webcam and microphone are on, or with someone supervising you. To get the best education during these online times it important that you actually put in the effort to study and not put things off. Though you may think you have time, and no one will see you, the odds are time is running out and someone will be watching you.

If you have trouble studying here are a few things that may help you.

If you get distracted easily try printing out all of your study material to avoid the YouTube and Netflix distraction your computer poses. If the textbook you need is on your computer, try closing all of your tabs and only have the textbook open; it may alleviate the need to tab out and do something else.

Take breaks, set an alarm every hour or whatever amount of time you think is best and let out your energy: walk around your room or eat a snack, but try avoiding social medias, once you log on you won’t log off.

If your phone is your biggest distraction try setting time limits on your apps like Instagram, Tiktok and Snapchat so that they literally cannot distract you. If you find yourself receiving a lot of messages or phone calls utilize the do not disturb function on your phone.

Studying for midterms can be hard but it’s not impossible. Set aside the time and focus, you can do this.