Letter to the Editor: Racism

Racism: a Class war method.

Racism: is promoted by capitalism.

Racism: a pecking order system.

Racism: promotes hate and anger.

This is a response to a article written by Aryssa Enriquez, editor-in- chief for The South Texasn newspaper entitled “Reactions to a Backslide”, dated October 6. This article was very well written and it spoke about local racial issues, including George Floyd, a racial slur on Snapchat, Black Lives Matter, campus complaints and other viewpoints and I applaud her article. Google has several definitions for racism, I suggest you Google it when you have a chance.  

Here is my definition for racism: it’s a human race class pecking order system used by one group against another in order to gain superiority over economics, religion, politics, education, health and happiness. 

It’s a form of class warfare which promotes slave like environments.

Example: capitalism uses racism to produce extra profits via large labor pools and low wages. Politicians use racism to gain votes and or power.

The TV entertainment and news industry uses it to boost TV ratings, which in turn produce more profits and program people’s thinking. 

There are hundreds of rigged economic, political and social systems in place to keep racism alive and help capitalism make more profit, Capitalism is one of the big reasons why it is hard to get rid of racism. “Hugging out” racism will only help a little. We need more methods or systems to help get rid of it. 

We could have a big increase in race educational classes for all schools and workplaces.  

Another possible answer could be to give all minorities and all women the same pay rate as white men.  

Another answer could be to give Capitalist corporations more tax breaks for hiring minorities and women.  

If this happen, then our economy should slowly reverse the current “shrinking middle class” over several years.  There are more examples, but what matters basically is this: social change requires serious organized opposition to the status quo.

And if we could somehow force Congress to stop taking bribes and orders from the rich and corporations, then I believe we would have less racism in this country. Is it necessary for humans to have a “pecking order” system  like chickens? If you say yes, then you have a chicken brain.

Why can’t everyone enjoy the ride of life?

Thank you, stay safe by learning to manage Covid risk.

Tomas Cantu, an economic researcher.