Nostalgic nights and past experiences

Sometimes when you sit in silence or you start to have late night conversations with your friends, you begin to reflect on life as you tell stories of the past. You can find yourself feeling nostalgic or you can feel regret.

 Recently, my friends and I were up late talking about things we had experienced earlier in our lives and nothing was off the table, whether it was funny stories, sad stories, or boy troubles.

 While discussing we all seemed to have at least two stories that really made us cringe and left us in awe that we lived through that. It was during this discussion that I realized that due to this fast-paced world and always rushing to move forward, we have all been through more than we realize. 

As much as we sometimes wish to go back in time and fix or avoid the problems, it is because of those problems that we are who we are today. I think this is probably something that has been coming to a lot of people’s minds especially while we were in quarantine. I, along with many other people, had old friends reach out and want to apologize for things in the past or just reconnect. 

At first, it’s easy to be reluctant because of all the memories that rush in but suddenly you also notice all of the things you learned because of your experience. 

You can almost guarantee that you would be very different than who you are in this moment if you wouldn’t have gone through certain things from the way that you think, carry yourself, and handle different situations in life. Sometimes life can get tough, and you feel like you’re not strong enough to get through things but if you remember just how much you have been through and what you have already survived you will find that you in fact carry the strength and wisdom to do so.