Self-therapy, finding what works for you

There are moments in our lives where we go through rough patches or we deal with after-effects from past situations we have encountered. 

Although we say that we are doing everything we can to try and cope with these troubles, sometimes we have a habit of lying to ourselves and do not do all we can to help. 

Yes, at times this is okay because there may be some hesitation and doubt when trying to heal from certain situations but there comes a point when we eventually have to get up and start being proactive.

 Although the thought of being proactive is easier said than done, to help one’s self out of a mental rut you, have to be willing to put the effort in wanting to get better. In ways, it is like going to counseling as you can’t just expect things to get better by attending, part of the job is needing to do half the work otherwise you won’t get very far. 

If counseling isn’t the right route for you, other ways to be proactive and to help one’s self could be starting with a positive attitude. Many people don’t realize that having a positive mindset can change our perspective on things as we try to face them head-on. 

When wanting to heal it’s good to find things that help relax you, something that brings you comfort and joy. It doesn’t have to be anything big, it could be journaling, baking, running or even doing something as simple as your make-up. 

Finding what I like to call “self-therapy” is different for everyone and what may work for someone else may not work for you, but it still does not make it less valid. When you find something that does bring you a sense of peace then try to make it a part of your daily routine or even an every-other-day activity, as long as you are putting effort and enjoying it. 

Yes, things may get difficult every once in a while, but when is anything in life ever truly easy?