Spring burnout replaces Spring Break

I completely understand the university’s reasoning for removing Spring Break from this year’s academic calendar, but as a student I am physically and mentally exhausted. I guess I never really knew the relief Spring Break brought to my stress levels, but it is very apparent now that Spring Break gives me an opportunity to destress and catch up on any assignments or projects I may have fallen behind on. 

I absolutely do not agree with the students I see on break this year who are flying to Florida to take pictures mask-less on a beach or those using this time to socialize outside of their circle potentially spreading the COVID-19 virus; it looks selfish. This year, Spring Break more than ever in Texas is risky as our governor lifted the state’s mask mandate on a date that fell right in the middle of the week students left school for Spring Break. Again, I get it, cancelling Spring Break is a way of protecting the university, its students and staff but a lot of students are starting to feel burnt out and could really use a week to recharge and rest themselves. 

Unfortunately, we live in a time of worry and risk with the COVID-19 pandemic still looming over our country and campus. It is due to this risk that more students may need a break. With a majority of classes still online and students stressing over the virus, I feel as though we need a break, but it’s due to these risks that we are unable to rest. I know adults do not get a Spring Break and you could say this is experience for the future, but most adults aren’t working and trying to pass college courses at the same time or aren’t impacted by the whole anti-masker riots ruining the future of their career field because they are settled and in a stable job. We college kids are understanding of why we were one of the few campus across Texas that did not get a Spring Break and believe me, we may thank the university later, but as for the time being, we need a break and most of us probably feel burnt out. So be nice to us, we are tired and most likely very stressed.