Graduates to walk the stage

As the Spring semester comes to a wrap, the sleepless nights and days of cramming will soon be over for the class of 2021.

After having cancelled two commencement ceremonies due to the pandemic, on May 7 about 1,046 students will cross the stage, receive their diploma, and move on to the next phase of their lives.

Javelina Nation will celebrate the graduates at Javelina Stadium while following COVID-19 protocols.

 Face coverings will be required and social distancing will be practiced.In efforts to comply with social distancing guidelines attendance will be limited. 

 However, graduates have the option to request up to six guest tickets.

“Having the opportunity to cross the stage feels amazing. It’s more meaningful than it was before especially seeing how easily it could get taken away… [Graduating] is a true triumph and a symbol of greater things coming soon and a new chapter beginning,” Israel Sanchez, accounting major, said. 

The College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education and Human Performance ceremony will be held at 9 a.m. 

A second ceremony will be held for the Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the College of Business Administration, and the Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering at 6 p.m.

“There is a lot of excitement about the May ceremonies. Most everyone, students, families, and faculty, seem pleased that we are planning in-person ceremonies. We are looking forward to celebrate or Javelina graduates,” Director of Marketing and Communications Adriana Garza said

With just weeks away from graduation, students count down the days to when their hard work will pay off.

“We’re making history. [The pandemic was] something that was supposed to put a pause on everything, but it didn’t, and now there’s so many of us who have pushed through and made it. It feels amazing to say that we accomplished something so big in our lives, while the world was going crazy around us,” Mariana Trevino, kinesiology major, said. 

Graduates are encouraged to monitor their TAMUK emails, social media and the university’s website for updates on graduation. Graduation details are tentative to change because of weather conditions. A final decision will be made on April 9.