Self-love, celebrating Pride

June is known as Pride Month, the month where LGBTQ+ members and allies celebrate as well as honor the Stonewall Uprising that occurred long ago. 

The month is also to remind members that it is okay to be proud of who they are and celebrate the freedom to be themselves.

Although from experience it can be hard to be proud of who you are during this time, one thing we have to keep in mind is that self-love is important. It can be hard to fully accept yourself when you feel that others may not, but that is why Pride Month exists.

This month can remind us that we do not need to be afraid of who we are and to not only be proud, but to love ourselves. It is a time to reflect on those who have fought for what we have today, as well as to remember how far we have gotten.Self-loving can be hard but it can be done, one thing to avoid while learning to self-love is to not knock yourself down. There will be times when someone out there in the world will let it be known that you did not meet their expectations, but it is important to remember to not let them cloud who you want to be. 

You are your person, who you choose to be is your decision and your path to create as well as follow. It may be difficult at times to march forth, but it can be done and will be worth it.

Another thing to do is to not let worry consume you, while we may tend to worry about the fear of acceptance or judgment, we have to keep in mind to not let that ruin the pride and love we have for ourselves. Whether we choose to see it or not there is always someone out there who is willing to listen and embrace us, you just need to find that right someone or group just like TAMUK’s very own UNITY. Lastly, while learning to self-love it is important to be grateful. Always remember the things that you have in your life right now; sometimes it may not feel like much but those things that we have are what got us here today. Be mindful and take in the things that make you, you, and love those things.Always remember that there is a support system for you and that you are not alone. It is time to realize that you are loved, brave and unique.