July 1 Priority Deadline for Fall FAFSA

Students must submit needed financial aid documents to receive financial aid refund

July 1 is the Financial Aid Verification Priority Deadline. Before the date, students need to submit needed documents to ensure they will receive their awards by Aug. 11, the Fall Payment Deadline. Students who do not receive their disbursement are encouraged to make necessary payment arrangements with the Business Services Office to avoid being dropped from courses and/or paying late fees.

Documents needed by July 1 include their financial aid verification worksheet, student/parent income tax returns, student/parent W-2s, Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose and others pertaining to financial aid.

Students can check their document requirements by following the steps below:

  1. Visit Texas A&M-Kingsville JNET
  2. From the Main Menu, select “Paying for College” Tab
  3. In the middle of the Main Menu, select “Blue and Gold Main Menu”
  4. Select “Student & Financial Aid”
  5. In the Student & Financial Aid Menu, select “Financial Aid”
  6. In the Financial Aid Menu, select “Eligibility”
  7.  In the Eligibility menu, select “Student Requirements”
  8. Select Aid Year you are inquiring using the drop-down box and select “submit”
  9. If you have unsatisfied student requirements, you can determine what is received, needed, or incomplete under the status section

Students can submit most of the needed forms through DocuSign. However, documents such as income tax returns and W-2s can be submitted via TAMUK’s Electronic Document Upload Form. If students would like to submit their documents in-person, they can visit the Javelina Enrollment Services Center or the Memorial Student Union Ballroom.

“We strongly encourage students to submit their verification documents as soon as possible to prevent further delays in awarding and disbursement of aid,” Director of Financial Aid Raul Cavazos said. “Students can check their award status and should monitor their university email for important updates.”

In order to qualify for the financial aid they are applying for, students must first meet some requirements.

“Students must have all outstanding requirements completed and be meeting Title IV Aid eligibility requirements in order to qualify for federal, state, and institutional financial aid,” Cavazos said.

Award letters are mailed and emailed to new students to inform them of amounts, source and the conditions of acceptance of the financial aid they will receive. Returning students can check the status of their disbursement through their Blue and Gold Connection.