Letter to the Editor: China Economics

I study all kinds of economic systems: capitalism, socialism, Titoism, slavery, feudalism, barterism, debt Jubilee’s, worker co-ops, etc.,

And it appears that there is a new system is coming to town.  

So get ready for a shock!  The new economic system that is coming will be called “China-Capitalism.”  What the (expletive)!  Is that possible?

My research shows that within the next eight years China will have the world’s Largest, Strongest and Fastest growing economic system in the world. They plan to “Kick Our Asks”! 

 How did this happen?  It’s mainly because the American business people (also known as capitalists) made a deal with the Chinese government. The deal is that the American business class gets access to growing Chinese markets and cheap obedient labor in exchange the Chinese get access to American technology, know how, capital and investment. The Chinese DID NOT steal our technology, we gave it to them in exchange for more American Corporation Capitalist Profits. 

This is why there are so many good economic predictions that predict the Chinese will become the world’s number one economic superpower house within the next eight years.

 In 1996 billionaire Ross Perot was correct when he said that the NAFTA trade agreement was going to create a “large sucking sound,” and that sucking sound has been steadily sucking away our American jobs for the last 30 years. NAFTA was just another Wealth Inequality scheme.I hope some of you will read up and do some research on some of my remarks.  You might also get a head start on learning how to speak Chinese.  The first words you should learn are the curse words.

Tomas Cantu,economic researcher