Job application-reversed

Dear Editor,

Our social and economic systems need big changes.  Maybe when a person goes to fill out a minimum wage job application, he or she should be given a “CEO” Job history information sheet, that shows that his/her future boss is qualified to be a CEO / owner /financial dictator.  This information sheet would have basic information and questions for CEO’s like: What is your IQ level?  What percentage of taxes do you pay every year?  Have you ever bribed a politician or made campaign contributions?  What percent of your wealth did you inherit?  Do you own more than three mansions?  Do you own more than three yachts?  Do you own more than three limousines?  Can you pass an empathy test?  Do you have offshore bank accounts?  Do you cheat on your spouse and business friends often?  Do you have pathological issues?  These questions could help to show if the CEO is enjoying the benefits of “wealth inequality.” This information sheet could/should be asked of every CEO and or political candidate before every election.  Hmmm….. Now That’s a Good Idea!

That’s my opinion, what’s yours?

Tomas Cantu, economic researcher

Concepcion, Texas