Here I go again

If the walls of Manning Room 165 could talk, I would be in trouble. Those four walls allowed for chaos and order to coexist, and even though things didn’t always go as planned, it was always my happy place.

As a business student, I found myself on the opposite side of campus a lot.  And even though I earned a business degree, I feel like I should have walked out holding a journalism one. However, I don’t regret my decision because it led me to this very place. 

As life would have it, I would meet the mother of The South Texan, Nicole Morris, on my first day on campus and my life would never be the same.

But don’t let me bore you with the cheesy details, let me tell you about what really mattered in the heart of Manning.

Shockingly, it was not the deadline. It was the people who made the deadline bearable. 

Ironically, when you are on a constant deadline it’s easy to lose track of time. 

And as days blended into years I silently watched as strangers turned into my family. I’m lucky to have worked alongside some of the most talented and hardworking people.

Darcy Ramirez, Iliana Flores, C.R Neal, and all the reporters who brought fire to The South Texan. They would eventually share that fire with me and it was those flames that would become the driving force for the next years. I love you, guys.

I passed the torch to a strong team. 

Ronni Reyna, Makaylah Chavez, Rae Martinez, Dylan Sanchez, Sarah Reyna, Susan Cortez, and Luis Briseno hold the future of the Javelina Media Experience. Each with a ton of potential, vision and creativity. I appreciate all of you.

To the Mother of The South Texan, I’m eternally grateful to have met you. Thanks for being a pillar to lean on since day one. I’m a better person because of you…I guess Wonder Woman does wear animal print and sings Def Leppard. 

Throughout my life I’ve been fortunate to be surrounded by empowering women. 

Mom, we did it!  And guela thanks for always believing in me and encouraging me to do more. 

Thanks for being my red ranger, and now my guardian angel. This one is for you.