Letter to the Editor: Elon Musk phobias

Elon Musk is now the wealthiest crook in the world. His EMPIRE is now worth approximately $300 billion (google it). I have seen Mr. Musk talk about artificial intelligence (AI) in a negative manner for the last 12 months.  

Now there is a YouTube interview (dated November 14, 2021, via Inner Vision), where he states that “artificial intelligence can’t be trusted and that it needs to be governed and regulated.” I find that statement to be somewhat surprising, coming from the world’s richest financial dictator. 

Most wealthy people HATE government regulation, control and paying taxes, and/or any anti-profit systems (like the Family First system), so for him to want MORE government regulation and oversight to me signals a red flag.  I believe his biggest fear is that artificial intelligence could be used to replace billionaires and or repair/replace the capitalist system some day. This would explain why he is purposely spreading fear and fake stories about artificial intelligence. 

His fear is that it could be used to control his ability to gather and collect wealth, power and profit. His fear is that the world could use artificial intelligence to get rid of rotten wealthy leeches or billionaires once and for all.  

Most of his wealth has come from the theft of labor wages (low wages), from the shrinking middle class and lower classes and from the use and creation of many different rigged economic systems. I think all of us should get into the habit of wanting to do the opposite of whatever a billionaire wants to do. I believe this would make the world a better place.

Tomas Cantu, 

economic researcher

Concepcion, Texas