How to Adult: Couponing at H-E-B

Saving money one coupon at a time

Saving money is something that can be very intimidating, especially if you don’t know where to start. 

Personally, I love saving as much as I can from hitting the sale racks to setting monthly budgets. 

My favorite and maybe easiest way to save is couponing! Couponing can be done many ways. 

Traditional couponing requires the purchase of a newspaper in order to have access to paper coupons through ads. 

Fortunately for us, it has become easier over the years and we can do it all from the click of a button on our phones and it is all completely free to make an account. 

H-E-B is a great place to start if you are just starting your couponing journey. You can save a lot on things like hygiene products, food items, and everything in between.

To start couponing at H-E-B all you have to do is download the app. 

Once the app is downloaded you create an account using your email and setting a password. 

After you filled all your credentials out, a screen will pop up to fill in your zip code. 

Now you are ready to clip your coupons under the “coupons” tab in the middle of the app that has a scissors icon next to it.  There are endless coupons to pick from which means big savings.

Now that you have your account ready to go and your coupons are clipped you are ready to find your items in the store. 

This is where you can see all your savings come to life. Checkout can go one of two ways. 

If you opt to go through self-checkout, you scan all your items like you usually would and then you hit the pay now button. You will then be prompted to choose between three different buttons of cash, debit, or coupons. 

After clicking the coupons button, you will go back to your app and hit the “coupons” tab and click on where it says “clipped coupons” you will then be prompted to a barcode for all the coupons you have saved. 

You can grab the handheld scanner and scan your phone and see the price drop! 

If you decide to go to a regular register, you can just show the cashier your barcode that contains all your coupons and just like that you just completed your first couponing trip!

The best way to utilize your coupons is to watch Tik-Toks of others using coupons at H-E-B or joining Facebook groups who share tips and tricks on how to get the best bang for your buck. 

There are countless videos on how to save big that others share. 

It can be overwhelming when it comes to picking items in the store and just because you don’t have a coupon on some things it is all right because any savings is better than no savings!