How to Adult: Building a resumé 

Certified to leave an impression

A resumé is a formal document that is created to itemize the qualifications, experience and knowledge one has for a job position.  

 You are going to start with opening up a trusted online word processor such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Once you have chosen one, you are going to want to select a blank document. 

 At the very top of the page, you are going to want to type your first and last name in an 18-point, bold font, this is known as your header. Font styles are your personal choice. However, it is recommended that you use simple fonts like Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Didot, Garamond and a personal favorite, Times New Roman.  

 After you have typed out your first and last name, hit the return or enter key on your keyboard and type your phone number. Don’t forget to include the area code. It is recommended that you set up a voice mail in case employers would like to leave a message if they cannot reach you right away. Once you have completed that, hit the return or enter key again and type your email. Type your personal email, but make sure it is appropriate. You are going to want to use a smaller font size for the second and third lines. 

 You are going to want to press the return or enter key once again so you can start writing a professional summary of your qualifications. Note that this is supposed to be brief and do not add any bullets, only five to seven skills and abilities you possess that correlate with the position you are applying for. Examples of this include, “Public speaking, customer service experience, proficient,” and more. Make sure this is typed out in a 12-point font. The font size will stay the same from now on. 

 Hit the return key and type “Education” on the left-hand side of your document. Press the return key and type the official title of your degree on the left-hand side and the month and year of your expected graduation date. Hit return again and type in your minor if applicable. Hit return again and type your overall GPA.  

 Hit the return key a couple of times to add “Honors.” If you add that you made the President’s list, make sure you list the semesters earned. You can add any scholarships you received and special achievements as well. This is an optional step, but it is recommended. 

 After Honors, you have Experience. You know the drill, hit the return button a couple of times and type “Experience” in a 12-point, bold font. Press return again and start listing. List your internships first, then list your other positions in most recent order. Type your position first on the left-hand side and the time period on the right. Right under your position title, add the name of the company you worked for and the location. Press return and give a brief description of the things you did while employed there. Do this as many times as you need to according to how many jobs you have had in recent years.  

We are almost finished. Type “Activities” in bold, press return and list the activities you partake in outside of classroom settings. Try to be detailed and list accomplishments if you have any and voilà, you have built your resumé!