The time for gun reform is now

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the “Protecting Our Kids Act” – a gun control package legislation. The act includes “raising legal age to buy specific semiautomatic centerfire rifles from 18 to 21 years old, establish[ing] new federal offenses for gun trafficking and for selling large-capacity magazines, and allow[ing] local governments to compensate individuals who surrender such magazines through a buyback program.” 

Proposing an act like this is the least our government can do. An act like this can prevent more lives from being taken away, which is something that should concern our pro-life leaders.  Let’s hope the state agrees.

Some states have created red flag legislation that would allow law enforcement to strip firearms from those who pose a threat to themselves or others. Nineteen states and Washington D.C have implemented red flag laws and have seen a decrease in gun violence within their areas. 

Gun violence has become a disturbing reality. In 2021, America had 692 mass shootings. In the first 22 weeks of this year alone, there have been 246 mass shootings. Since the racially motivated May 14 Buffalo massacre, nearly 50 more mass shootings have occurred. 

Too many mass shootings have terrorized our country, which is why this act is something that should have been done a long time ago. 

We can’t blame the perpetrator anymore. It’s time to hold the overly easy access to guns responsible. People with easy access to guns hurt more people more efficiently than without one. 

We need to push for more acts like these to prevent innocent people from getting their lives taken away from them. We need to vote for candidates who want change for this action. 

How many more individuals have to die for this act to actually pass?  

Americans need to hold ourselves and our legislators accountable for what is continuing to happen right before our eyes. 

Nothing will change unless gun laws are changed.