Review: Nice to meat you, Belchers

Bob’s Burgers: A legacy continued on the big screen

Movie fanatics eagerly walk into the theater awaiting either a comedy, drama, action movie, perhaps even a musical. 

What if I said that with a purchase of a single ticket, you could get a steal of a deal with a four-for-one? 

The Bob’s Burgers Movie has made more of an impact in the past month than burger grease makes on a grill in a restaurant’s lifetime.

Without spoilers, the movie centers around the Belcher family and each of their personal, internal struggles. 

The main struggle, however, is one that dedicated fans of the show have known since it was introduced in season one: making payments on time, specifically repaying a bank loan within seven days.

The little over one-and-a-half-hour movie has an 87 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes and feels like you’re enjoying a really long episode. 

Anyone can sit through a 20-minute cartoon, but asking someone to sit through a movie is pushing it, yet Bob’s Burgers delivers an experience equal to that of devouring your favorite burger: magnificent.

As much as I want all Bob’s Burgers fanatics and potential fanatics to buy tickets and sell out the theater, I would like to thank all those who slept in the morning of my showing. 

Because of you all, I had the entire theater to myself and was able to laugh as much and as loud as I wanted, and truthfully, I may have overdone it a tad bit.

The movie has a different storyline for each character, but perfectly ties them all together towards the end to form one main plot, which makes it easy for viewers to follow. 

Time really does fly when you are having fun and this film does not overstay its welcome, but instead leaves fans wanting more, which is why the show has just announced their upcoming 13th season after the new and refreshing wave of excitement around their genius movie.

Overall, I rate this movie a 9/10, losing a point for ending too soon. I would happily see this movie again with anyone who is willing to get a premium experience for their buck, but then again, I am a Bob’s Burgers megafan, but for good reason, as most of the nation agrees with me.