I dress to express

The way I dress is for my satisfaction solely. I do not dress for the male gaze, nor do I dress to seek out compliments from strangers, contrary to what others might think. My outfit is my choice and my form of self-expression. I cautiously choose what I want to wear each day to stand out and make a bold statement because self-expression is necessary.

Now-a-days, it feels like we can all be clones of each other regarding the way we speak and our mannerisms. That is why I actively hold myself accountable to think outside the box and put together styles that I know I won’t run into crossing the street.

Yet, sometimes those around me disagree with my stylistic choices and even go as far as complaining about them to the extent where I am removed from certain premises.

Why am I judged and prevented from expressing who I am and who I want to be? Why are any of us shamed when we take that fashion risk in a life where risks should be taken? 

Fashion risks keep things exciting. Trying on pieces of clothing that younger you wouldn’t have dared to dream is what helps you grow as an individual. 

Fashion is a way to showcase your personality without having to say a word. It allows you to fully and thoroughly find out what you like best and what works for you.

Having dyed hair shouldn’t be considered unprofessional. 

Having sparkly pants on at work shouldn’t be considered unprofessional. Having a nose piercing shouldn’t be considered unprofessional. 

We need to stop succumbing to a society that prevents us from taking risks. 

Expression itself should not be considered unprofessional. We shouldn’t have to adjust our lifestyle choices to fit someone else’s. 

There are bigger problems in this world to focus on than what I so boldly and powerfully choose to wear.