Our Opinion: My body, my choice

As the pandemic began so did the mask debate, and the issue of bodily control was thrust into the media yet again. People protested for “my body, my choice” against mask mandates saying the government had no right to regulate or decide what they could do with their own bodies.

Vaccine mandates were protested and boycotts were made against companies because people so strongly felt that they should be able to have control over their own bodies. Now as Roe v. Wade is overturned, the constitutional right to an abortion no longer exists. Many states already had trigger laws in place awaiting the overturn and a total abortion ban will proceed in Texas within the next month.

This is not a win.

In Ohio, a 10-year-old child who was reportedly raped, was rapidly seeking an abortion. When she arrived at the office she was six weeks and three days pregnant.

Ohio’s law now states that after six weeks of pregnancy, abortion is not legal except in the case of life endangerment or severely compromised physical health. The child was denied an abortion in the state. A 10-year-old whose body is still growing and not equipped to handle a pregnancy, had only two options: carry through with the pregnancy or travel to a neighboring state to undergo the procedure.

This is not a win.

Women who have miscarriages in states with complete abortion bans will be looked at as monsters when they seek help, if they seek help. Women will fear prosecution over something they can’t control, compromising their right to health care in states with no exemptions.

Though many believe the overturn of Roe v. Wade will save lives, it won’t. Many women will suffer physically, mentally, emotionally and face severe and even fatal problems because an important aspect of health care was denied. 

Roe v. Wade has been overturned and the argument of “my body, my choice” is no longer relevant to the many who once protested against mask mandates. 

As much as they would like to think, America’s priority is not protecting life, but only the creation of it. It is women who will be the ones to face the consequences of the unfair decision created by Justices who won’t lose sleep at night knowing that they just stripped away a basic human right, something we thought was secure.

This is not a win.